SEDLO KRUHOV\\u00c1 - 0.40h<\\\/td><\\\/tr><\\\/table>\",\"trails\":\"The village in the valley Hnilecka dolina created from the original mining settlement Spisska Nova Ves - Mlynky, Palcmanska Masa, Prostredny Hamor, Biele vopy, Havrania Dolina, Rakovec, Sykavka. The village was mined iron ore and copper. Currently, the Mlynky has grown most winter sports resort in the Slovak Paradise. There's a lot of downhill and cross-country ski trails.\"},\"videoss\":[],\"images\":[],\"imagesWysiwyg\":[{\"id\":\"175\",\"type\":\"image\\\/jpeg\",\"filename\":\"mlynky_prostredny_hamor_1-2014-06-05-15-10-16.jpg\",\"path\":\"\\\/uploads\",\"title\":\"\"},{\"id\":\"176\",\"type\":\"image\\\/jpeg\",\"filename\":\"mlynky_prostredny_hamor_2-2014-06-05-15-10-16.jpg\",\"path\":\"\\\/uploads\",\"title\":\"\"}]}"); window.modules = JSON.parse('[]'); Mlynky - Prostredny Hamor | Novoveská Huta - Hiking trails
The village in the valley Hnilecka dolina created from the original mining settlement Spisska Nova Ves - Mlynky, Palcmanska Masa, Prostredny Hamor, Biele vopy, Havrania Dolina, Rakovec, Sykavka. The village was mined iron ore and copper. Currently, the Mlynky has grown most winter sports resort in the Slovak Paradise. There's a lot of downhill and cross-country ski trails.